



A. The teacher will assign each student to a group consisting of  five (5) team members.

B.  Individually using the Internet, make a list of ten (10) amusement parks you will research.  Click on this link and print the page provided for your list of amusement parks.



Research roller coasters at each of your ten (10) amusement parks. Click on this link and print out the following pages to track your information (noting the size (height), length, speed, city and state).



Bring your research to class to begin comparing with other members of your group.



In your groups, choose the five (5) best roller coasters based on the data each of your group members collected.



Each group member chooses one roller coaster that he or she thinks should be on this list.



In class, your group will use different colors to graph each of your variables on poster boards (height, length, speed).



Next your group will make up a brochure that you can pass out to the class explaining what your definition of exciting is, and why you chose these five (5) roller coasters.



Each group will then present their poster to the class.



Prior to your group presentations, each group member will have to turn in his or her research.



Collect a picture if possible.

















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